Welcome to veganvermont.com our mission is driven by vegan/plant-based principles, social justice initiatives, compassion for all sentient beings, spiritual well-being and environmental crisis concerns.

Plant-based Patti Approved Eateries:

Vegans do not wear leather. Nor do they eat honey.

Veganism promotes non-violence and equality.

Being vegan equals cherishing life, knowing that each day compassion is demonstrated and respect for all sentient beings is expressed.

Vegans believe that all animals have a right to a life free from abuse and slaughter.

Vegans embrace a balanced diet of
vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, herbs, nuts and seeds.

Initial Goals:

  1. To promote veganism in Vermont one eatery at a time, with a primary goal of effectuating change that will result in at least two vegan options.

  2. To educate and empower those interested in transitioning to a vegan/plant-based lifestyle through my blogs; as well as vegan cooking classes and other related events.

  3. To reject all forms of animal exploitation and to fully support animal advocacy with compassion.

  4. To safeguard our environment by committing to reuse, reduction, recycling and composting.

Recent Posts

    Plant-based Patti here to share my fact-based decades of vegan wisdom and experience with you! Yes, I’m launching my website, (a dream realized), as we deal with a global pandemic and a recession. Oy! […]

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past classes

Cooking with Patti: Sumptuous Plant-Based Sephardic Dishes for Passover

Join Patti to explore vegan Sephardic recipes to spice up your Passover.
Presented by the JCOGS Green Team and Vegan Vermont.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 11 Nisan 5781
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Online via ZoomHere is the shopping list to gather all the delicious ingredients prior to the demo.

Recipes available here.  

Vegan Spicy Sephardic Date Charoset
dates | cherry craisins | walnuts | 1 honey crisp apple | cinnamon | ground ginger | orange juice or other juice | ground allspice | nutmeg | turmeric powder | ground black pepper

Vegan Turkish Red Pepper-Walnut Spread
jarred roasted peppers | walnuts | EVOO | 1 lemon | hot pepper flakes | ground cumin | fresh parsley or chives

Vegan Persian Rice
2 oranges | garlic cloves | fresh ginger | hot pepper flakes | cinnamon | turmeric | frozen oj concentrate | oil of choice | veg broth  | brown rice | pistachios | ground black pepper

Vegan Carrot Salad with Radishes & Olives
1 pound carrots | 1 bunch radishes | green olives | EVOO | ground cumin | sumac or paprika | 1 lemon | fresh parsley or chives

Vegan Chocolate Truffles 
dates | walnuts | orange extract | agave or maple syrup | cacoa powder | salt | coconut flakes

Vegan Sweet Matzah Brei 
matzah | soy or almond milk | 2 ripe bananas | coconut oil | cinnamon | vanilla extract | vegan chocolate chips